Thursday Crochet Tip – Hook Storage

Every few Thursdays, I’ll be bringing to you a new crochet tip for you to use. Be it from crocheting to designing, and hopefully, everything in between.

Some of these will be tips that I’ve tried and have worked for me. It’s only fair that I share what successes I’ve had. Some other tips will be tried and true tips by crocheters all around that I’ve picked up along the way.

Thursday Crochet Tip Hook Storage

To kick this Thursday tip off, I bring to you a handy dandy hook storage tip: using an empty plastic container that is tall enough to store your hooks.

You can re-use (see how you are incorporating the three R’s of reduce, re-use and recycle in your crocheting?) an empty plastic container, cleaned out of course, that is tall and wide enough to store your hooks. I use an empty Dole Shakers (Note: I’m not promoting Dole, just sharing where I go the container from.) container. It’s just tall enough to store my hooks. I don’t have many hooks so it works out for me.



Plastic Storage Container For Hooks


In the past I used a glass jar but it was rather noisy and I was afraid it would shatter. With the plastic one, it’s not as noisy and I can toss it in my project bag if I need to grab it quickly and don’t have time to rummage for a specific hook. It also seals well when the cap is screwed on so there’s no risk of my hooks falling out. Also, it’s slender enough that it doesn’t take up as much space where ever I have it. It’s a rather inexpensive method to use and one that I will keep as long as it can last.

What method do you use to store your hooks? What hook storage tips can you share?

As always… much love and happy hooking,


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